I will like to say goodbye to everyone. i hope you all stick to the going green and try to make changes to benefit the earth. if change is needed it must come from you! good luck on your future goals and see ya on campus.. peace out :-D
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Farewell to all
Posted by christina at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 31, 2008
My Refection blog 12
Reflection on Blogging
I actually enjoyed blogging. People blog everyday, they talk about their lives, experiences and even issues that are occurring in the world today. But what made blogging in this class so much fun was how we were able to connect and communicate with our fellow students. When we start a new class each semester we are shy and don’t like to talk to each other. But when we blogged we spoke to one another with out having to be nerves or shy because were talking to them by via web. And eventually blogging brought us closer. I can’t say I was frustrated with blogging because I am a computer geek; nothing is too hard for me to figure out.
Writing the entry wasn’t hard at all. Most of the topics were fairly straight forward and easy to answer. And it having to be only 250 words was a piece of cake. 250 words are nothing compared to the other writing classes where more then 850 words was asked for.
Meeting the deadline was kind of a pain. No one wants to spend their weekend worrying about if they did their blog or not. I think instead of it being due Sunday it should be due Wednesday because it give people more time from the date the blog was issued. A deadline should be there because if not then everyone will wait till last minute to do them and it will make the commenting harder and It will just be a mess.
Like I said in previous paragraph I enjoyed blogging. I like communicating with my fellow students. Commenting is kind of important because then it shows your interested in what your fellow students are writing and their feelings and ideas on the topic being discussed.
Blogging I can say can’t compare to other kinds of writing. In blogging you get to put your feeling, opinions and ideas in your writing and not so much concern on grammar and spelling like in other writing where that’s what the professors really look at. Me taking other writing classes I never got credit for my ideas in my papers all I got was red marks in my paper on my fragmenting lines which I had a lot of problems with in the past. When in blogging grammar don’t matter as much as your ideas and opinion, which I feel is always more important then you missing a punctuation.
I think I will continue blogging. Their so many issues in the world, many I will like to discuss and blogging allows me to do that. And with blogging it allows everyone in the world to view it with the click of a button, and you never know who will read it. It could be someone who has the power to help change the problem.
Posted by christina at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
blog 11
Here my list from easiest to hardest to go without:
#5 Restaurants- I can go without eating outside. All these takeout places uses too much resources to make there restaurant exciting. For example the kids meals. They use cardboard boxes to make the happy meals and try to make it appealing to the children. When in fact the kids just care about the toy inside they don’t really care about the box it just ends up in the trash. A true
#4 movie tickets- well I love movies but im sure there other ways to show you paid to see a movie they could stamp your hands to show proof of purchase. That could save a lot of paper used for making the tickets. And also you could just wait till the movie goes on cable which doesn’t take long…
#3 magazines- well I enjoy receiving magazines in the mail ,like cosmo’s or seventeen but most people look at the magazines and when there done toss them away, a much as I enjoy reading magazines it is truly a waste…
#2 Dvds- I love my movies I collect them and I have over 300 and still growing. Even though their unnecessary item, to make sure there not a waste to our environment, When I die I will leave in my will to pass on my movies from generation to generation so they will never end up in a e-waste landfill.
#1 Air conditioner- I can’t live without my air conditioner. I HATE THE HEAT. The fan doesn’t help. Cold showers don’t help I have to be in a.c especially at night. I won’t be able to sleep at night without one. Yes I am guilty of over usage of electricity. But I can say my a.c. is energy saver. So I do think about the environment too ;-)
Posted by christina at 10:02 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
blog 10 "Peer Reviews"
Reviewing e-waste by Anallely Mendez:
Does the draft have a main point (thesis)?
“The electronic waste from the U.S is affecting the people from other nations, especially China since here is where most of our e-waste lands in”
Find an instance of what you consider an interesting or useful example, image, chart, etc. and explain why.
What I found interesting is in the last paragraph on page 4 when she states “Workers in Guiyu get paid only $1.50 per day”. I found that crazy that they get paid so little to handle these toxic products. With that salary they can’t even afford proper protecting gear to help them from being exposed from these substances.
Find a place in the paper that you consider confusing or boring and explain why.
Well I don’t find nothing confusing or boring about the topic since in doing the same one J but I will just like to point out the only thing I can say that is wrong with the paper is there too many photo’s. I remember the professor stating photos aren’t count as apart of the paper but can be added on. And on just page 6 alone their two photos and one paragraph. I don’t know if that is counted as a page….
Does the draft acknowledge where information comes from IN THE BODY OF THE TEXT?
Yes I think the citation was done properly.
If the draft has a fictional "human interest story," discuss whether it is convincing/imaginative/detailed or forced/tedious/general.
Yes I think the draft was convincing it had a lot of important detail and stated how important recycling e-waste is and the consequences of e-waste. It kept my interested and I like the fact that I was used as an example in the paper. Ha ha that was funny.
Would you recommend that the writer get some help with grammar before turning in the last draft? Why? Why not?
Well I think everyone can use help in grammar no one is that good, but their was minor errors I spotted like in paragraph 1 she forgot to indent the 1st paragraph. But the trick I use is read it out loud to your self that’s how you can spot errors. And also Microsoft word’s spell and grammar check is helpful as well……
Reviewing the Amazon rainforest by Alejandro Andrade:
Does the draft have a main point (thesis)?
“This paper aims to report the social and environmental significance of the destruction of the Amazonian rainforest”
Find an instance of what you consider an interesting or useful example, image, chart, etc. and explain why.
I like the examples he pointed out with the issues were facing and how were trying to go green but were struggling to get there. That I believe is so true.
Find a place in the paper that you consider confusing or boring and explain why.
Not having much of a first draft I think what he has so far is very good I understand everything he saying and I really like the examples used it kept me thinking and wanting to read more
Does the draft acknowledge where information comes from IN THE BODY OF THE TEXT?
Yes I think the citation was done properly.
If the draft has a fictional "human interest story," discuss whether it is convincing/imaginative/detailed or forced/tedious/general.
Yes I think the draft was convincing it had a good argument.
Would you recommend that the writer get some help with grammar before turning in the last draft? Why? Why not?
Well like I stated in my other review I think everyone can use help in grammar no one is that good, the trick I use is read it out loud to your self that’s how you can spot errors. And also Microsoft word’s spell and grammar check is helpful as well……
Posted by christina at 12:23 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
open topic
Posted by christina at 10:39 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
My final topic!!!!!!!!!
It wasn’t bad enough other countries was dumping there waste there but on December 26, 2004, when the Indian Ocean had a Tsunami, the tidal waves pushed all the toxic waste into the drinking supply and soil where the people grow their crops and many of the Somalia’s people became very ill and some even died because of it.
The reason I am writing on this topic is because it goes to show where the waste of other countries goes. Before I did this research I never knew this. How could people do this!, Dumping their waste on other counties and even a 3rd world country no less. Its bad enough they deal with poverty and diseases but now they have to deal with there precious home being treated as someone else’s dumpster. You don’t see them dumping toxic waste in the wealthy country’s like Europe or the great United States. Well their dumping in the U.S but in the poor areas, pretty ironic huh.
I think my paper will be interesting to all because I am sure not many people know of the horrible things going on to these poor countries.
I have an article based on a report from United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). As well as many articles and newspaper articles so far and I will try to find more information including photos, interviews and even a video clip of the waste being dumped that would be really good for my report.
I think my main point will be the affects of dumping toxic waste on this country and how the Tsunami helped play the part in not just destroying some of Africa’s land but the horrific effects it had on so many innocent people lives.

Posted by christina at 10:15 PM 5 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Blog 7 (my research paper)

I think all who cares about the environment would want to learn more and would want to read my paper because my paper will have all they need to know about the three major types of pollution.
Here are three annotated sources I will include in my paper:
www.lbl.gov/education/ELSI/pollution-main.html. This website has great basic info on air pollution.
www.umich.edu/~gs265/society/waterpollution.htm. This website has lots of info on water pollution including graphs, photos and diagrams.
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/land-pollution.html. This website has great info on land pollution. This article has a lot of good information I can use in my paper.
Posted by christina at 11:14 PM 6 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Blog 6

To me reflection means to recollect thoughts and memory from the past and see where it meets you in the present state. When I first attend this class I though oh boy another boring class with boring topics and I have to write like 10 papers. And when I found out about what the class assignments is based on I thought to myself ok the environment, trees, the sky and the earth.
But then when I saw the movie “An inconvenience truth” I was like wow where have I been when all of this was going on. Being trapped in a fantasy world all I cared about was what new outfit I was going to buy when I got paid. Not knowing all this issues that are happening around me and me one of many who was contributing to the problems.
Attending this class opened my eyes to all that I didn’t feel was important or thought wasn’t an issue. I know now how bad global warming is becoming and if we don’t change our ways and priorities we won’t have a future or even our children’s wont have a future because we won’t have a place to call home (our mother earth).
Now that I know all that I know I have decided to be apart of the solution instead of the problem I will do all that I can to help control pollution, global warming, ect. When I tell people about the issues I learned about global warming they all say well even if I want to help what could I do I am just one person, and I tell them even though your one person your still a voice and as a voice you can spread all your knowledge to others and help them become a voice and it will spread from one person to millions.
One person may not do much but millions can, and unless you spread the word know one will wake up out there fantasy world and realize there is more important things in this world besides when the next sale going to be.
There always room in one’s life to add new things, and helping save our planet can always be apart of ones agenda, even if its something small like turning off the lights when not needed or opening the window in the summer instead of living in a.c all day. Little things matter too and we all must realize that.
Posted by christina at 9:57 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Wanna Join The Effort
Here A link to a pitition if you want to help you will FILL IT OUT....:)
Posted by christina at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Blog 5
#1The Sustainable Cities Blog
The CUNY Institute for sustainable cities is a blog to get the attention of CUNY students and all who willing to continue leadership in major issues like global warming and economic issues. I like this website because it’s a website with good information on up to date news.
The Grist is a blog with news about the environment as well as other information. I can say they have a lot of links to lots of information for all kinds of ideas and issues. I like the comments posted on this blog the people make a lot of sense.
#3Green as a thirst
I really like this blog Vanessa had the will power to do what most of us couldn’t do she stood by what she set out to do and she completed it and I really like how she pointed out one of her reasons for going green was the issue with the polar bears drowning, she stood up for the polar bears J
#4No Impact Man
Ok the only think I can say I like about this blog is the photograph. The links are too light I have to squint to read then and his blog isn’t really interestingL
I like this blog. It shows the connection between the issues and technology. I can say I’m a geek, so reading this blog was helpful. I love the article in “Carectomy Week in Review” the picture about lady liberty was so funny I couldn’t stop looking at it. :-D I will leave a comment on his blog.
Posted by christina at 10:58 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Noah Ark
Being the animal lover that I am I had to answer this question rather then the other ones asked. I agree with the story if it did happen, God told Noah to save the animals from the flood I felt God was justified and I agree with his decision.
God wanted to punish mankind for all there bad deeds and the animals shouldn’t have to suffer for mankind sin. Even though he only saved two of each species, if it was me I would’ve saved all of them because none should’ve die for mankind sins.
Animals use this earth for survival just like people but animals aren’t the ones polluting the earth and destroying the lands, its people doing all the wrong to this world just like in the time on Noah and god saw that and that’s why he chose to save the animal rather then mankind.
With the way mankind is destroying the world today I wouldn’t be surprised if God decided to flood earth again. I just hope their will be another Noah in our times to save the animals again because just like before, animals shouldn’t have to suffer for our sins.
Posted by christina at 9:50 PM 5 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Two of Many Of My Passions
For me I use the power of motivation to help me In my passions in my education and my life. One motivation I use to follow my passions in life is my family. As a child, I had a bad childhood; I grew up very poor and struggled everyday to survive. I was always told I wouldn’t be anything in life I would be just another statistic as a young mother living off the government. But I prove everyone wrong when I graduated high school and attend college.
I’m the first one on my family of ten children and the first one in three generations. And having two nieces that I love to death makes me want to accomplish all I have plan in life. I want them to have someone to look up too and be proud to have as apart of their family.
Another passion I have is to help animals to live a longer, healthier life. Working in an animal hospital, I see all kinds of pets come in very sick and their expectants of survival to be very slim. And I do all I can to assure if that’s the case I want their last days to be the best one’s they ever had. Even though it’s not good to get attached to pets because they come and go in life like people do but I just can’t help not to.
I love all animals their apart of god creatures and from experience I can say a animals will show u unconditional love no matter how bad your life is going and will always remain loyal and that what makes animals so different from humans. That’s why my passion is to helping animals rather then human’s…….just my view in life doesn’t make it right:-D
this is chester the hosptial cat and the sweetest cat ever! i love him soooo much. he has kidney disease and the doctor gave him less then one year. but i no he had a good life because he is apart of my life.
I will use my education to make the world a better place by being a voice. By being a voice you can pass on the knowledge about the crisis and the solution to people who aren’t aware of the situation and hope they will do the right thing. Just like before I attend this class I never knew how serious global warming really is, and now I am telling all my friends and family about it and they are shock and all ask me what they can do to help. And that is what it is to be a voice, the voice of mother earth >:-x
The links I added to my blog are from other bloggers, who make sense about the issues and shows that we can help our planet and it can be fun too.
Posted by christina at 10:18 PM 5 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Annie Leonard's "The Story of Stuff"
As for the television, I love watching all kinds of shows. Shows like 48 hours on the A&E channel to WWE wrestling. But I can’t go a day without watching the nickelodeon channel with my favorite cartoon spongebob squarepants. Yes I am a real big kid I cant help it but I love watching that show even when I’m having a bad day watching spongebob puts a smile on my face because no matter how bad thing goes for him he always stays happy and fully of life and I will like to be like that too. But besides television I am a real movie fanatic. I own almost 300 dvd’s. I collect them and want to have the biggest collection there is but I know I have a long way too go.
Between work and school I don’t really have time to spend with friends and family but when ever I have the opportunity too I will. But I can say it’s not because of my television viewing or my internet browsing that stops me from having a social life but it’s because I’m trying to focus on my education and career. My family and friends understand and stand by me on my decision and are behind me 100%, and that’s why I love them so………….
Posted by christina at 8:35 PM 3 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
we have only one mother earth we all can chip in to help her
I can say I do my share in helping the environment during my everyday life. When I wake up I only shower I don’t take baths due to the extreme water usage in America. A report by the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) “stated in the year 2000 Americans used an estimated 408 billion gallons of water per day”. Since then more and more water is being used. I also help the environment because I use only energy saving items in my apartment such as my washer and dryer. I changed all my light bulbs to the new energy saving ones. I live in public housing and they don’t recommend recycling because they just discarded all the trash in black bags but at home and at work I still recycle even though it may not be separated once it leaves my hands, but at least I no in my mind I did my part in helping.
I also rely on public transportation, such as the subways and buses. Due to the high usage of cars and its chemical gases that is destroying our ozone, I take trains and buses because I no there environmentally safer then cars. And if I don’t travel by train or bus I just simply walk because walking it safe and it’s also healthy on my part. Most people don’t believe that something little like turning the air conditioner off during the summer when no ones home, or just using non aerosol sprays in your household can help our environment so much. It really is true when people say the little thing does count.
Posted by christina at 8:25 PM 1 comments