Ok people I narrowed it down and finally decided what I wanted to write about. I still kept it in the category of pollution but I just got more specific. The topic I chose is the toxic waste that was being dumped on the costal line in Somalia, Africa.
It wasn’t bad enough other countries was dumping there waste there but on December 26, 2004, when the Indian Ocean had a Tsunami, the tidal waves pushed all the toxic waste into the drinking supply and soil where the people grow their crops and many of the Somalia’s people became very ill and some even died because of it.
The reason I am writing on this topic is because it goes to show where the waste of other countries goes. Before I did this research I never knew this. How could people do this!, Dumping their waste on other counties and even a 3rd world country no less. Its bad enough they deal with poverty and diseases but now they have to deal with there precious home being treated as someone else’s dumpster. You don’t see them dumping toxic waste in the wealthy country’s like Europe or the great United States. Well their dumping in the U.S but in the poor areas, pretty ironic huh.
I think my paper will be interesting to all because I am sure not many people know of the horrible things going on to these poor countries.
I have an article based on a report from United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). As well as many articles and newspaper articles so far and I will try to find more information including photos, interviews and even a video clip of the waste being dumped that would be really good for my report.
I think my main point will be the affects of dumping toxic waste on this country and how the Tsunami helped play the part in not just destroying some of Africa’s land but the horrific effects it had on so many innocent people lives.
It wasn’t bad enough other countries was dumping there waste there but on December 26, 2004, when the Indian Ocean had a Tsunami, the tidal waves pushed all the toxic waste into the drinking supply and soil where the people grow their crops and many of the Somalia’s people became very ill and some even died because of it.
The reason I am writing on this topic is because it goes to show where the waste of other countries goes. Before I did this research I never knew this. How could people do this!, Dumping their waste on other counties and even a 3rd world country no less. Its bad enough they deal with poverty and diseases but now they have to deal with there precious home being treated as someone else’s dumpster. You don’t see them dumping toxic waste in the wealthy country’s like Europe or the great United States. Well their dumping in the U.S but in the poor areas, pretty ironic huh.
I think my paper will be interesting to all because I am sure not many people know of the horrible things going on to these poor countries.
I have an article based on a report from United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). As well as many articles and newspaper articles so far and I will try to find more information including photos, interviews and even a video clip of the waste being dumped that would be really good for my report.
I think my main point will be the affects of dumping toxic waste on this country and how the Tsunami helped play the part in not just destroying some of Africa’s land but the horrific effects it had on so many innocent people lives.

your topic is narrow providing you atay within the range of Somalia, Africa. it is something to think about when it comes to why they are dumping toxic wate into the third world countries which already are at a diadvantage. i guess they thought no one would care however they are wrong. hows about getting to the bottom of who is doing it and publish your paper for them to view.
Good choice. I am also studying an environmental disaster in another country: Haiti. Seems like you got it narrowed down pretty well.
I think you should focus on researching why this is happening in Somalia. As you said it is a poor country nobody apparently cares about.However, i would look deeply into the history of Somalia. As is the case for many underdeveloped countries, their disastrous situation is almost always a direct consequence of western colonialism and imperialism.
Good Luck.
I am happy you got into this topic, away from the 3 headed monster you preiously had. You have a topic that is appealing, now can you help me with mine? I think I narrowed it enough, but there maybe some stuff I could cut out.
You need to think of a more specific audience. I hate to say this, but many/most (?) people don't care. If they did, we wouldn't be dumping our waste there.
I agree with Fidel that a bit of history would be super helpful (and it'll make the paper longer...)
NOT A THESIS. MORE LIKE AN OUTLINE OF IDEAS TO COVER: For years/decades , country, county, and country have been dumping their waste in the sea of Somalia, Africa. On December 26, 2004, the Indian Ocean experienced a Tsunami, whose tidal waves pushed the toxic waste into the drinking water supply and soil of Somalia. Many Somalis became very ill and some even died because of ….
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