For me I use the power of motivation to help me In my passions in my education and my life. One motivation I use to follow my passions in life is my family. As a child, I had a bad childhood; I grew up very poor and struggled everyday to survive. I was always told I wouldn’t be anything in life I would be just another statistic as a young mother living off the government. But I prove everyone wrong when I graduated high school and attend college.
I’m the first one on my family of ten children and the first one in three generations. And having two nieces that I love to death makes me want to accomplish all I have plan in life. I want them to have someone to look up too and be proud to have as apart of their family.
Another passion I have is to help animals to live a longer, healthier life. Working in an animal hospital, I see all kinds of pets come in very sick and their expectants of survival to be very slim. And I do all I can to assure if that’s the case I want their last days to be the best one’s they ever had. Even though it’s not good to get attached to pets because they come and go in life like people do but I just can’t help not to.
I love all animals their apart of god creatures and from experience I can say a animals will show u unconditional love no matter how bad your life is going and will always remain loyal and that what makes animals so different from humans. That’s why my passion is to helping animals rather then human’s…….just my view in life doesn’t make it right:-D

this is chester the hosptial cat and the sweetest cat ever! i love him soooo much. he has kidney disease and the doctor gave him less then one year. but i no he had a good life because he is apart of my life.
I will use my education to make the world a better place by being a voice. By being a voice you can pass on the knowledge about the crisis and the solution to people who aren’t aware of the situation and hope they will do the right thing. Just like before I attend this class I never knew how serious global warming really is, and now I am telling all my friends and family about it and they are shock and all ask me what they can do to help. And that is what it is to be a voice, the voice of mother earth >:-x
The links I added to my blog are from other bloggers, who make sense about the issues and shows that we can help our planet and it can be fun too.