To me reflection means to recollect thoughts and memory from the past and see where it meets you in the present state. When I first attend this class I though oh boy another boring class with boring topics and I have to write like 10 papers. And when I found out about what the class assignments is based on I thought to myself ok the environment, trees, the sky and the earth.
But then when I saw the movie “An inconvenience truth” I was like wow where have I been when all of this was going on. Being trapped in a fantasy world all I cared about was what new outfit I was going to buy when I got paid. Not knowing all this issues that are happening around me and me one of many who was contributing to the problems.
Attending this class opened my eyes to all that I didn’t feel was important or thought wasn’t an issue. I know now how bad global warming is becoming and if we don’t change our ways and priorities we won’t have a future or even our children’s wont have a future because we won’t have a place to call home (our mother earth).
Now that I know all that I know I have decided to be apart of the solution instead of the problem I will do all that I can to help control pollution, global warming, ect. When I tell people about the issues I learned about global warming they all say well even if I want to help what could I do I am just one person, and I tell them even though your one person your still a voice and as a voice you can spread all your knowledge to others and help them become a voice and it will spread from one person to millions.
One person may not do much but millions can, and unless you spread the word know one will wake up out there fantasy world and realize there is more important things in this world besides when the next sale going to be.
There always room in one’s life to add new things, and helping save our planet can always be apart of ones agenda, even if its something small like turning off the lights when not needed or opening the window in the summer instead of living in a.c all day. Little things matter too and we all must realize that.